DR4: Updated UNCOVER+MegaScience Stellar Population catalogs

Feb. 13, 2025

Updated UNCOVER+MegaScience Stellar Population catalogs (based on the most recent DR3 UNCOVER+MegaScience photometric catalogs) are now available!

This release uses the same methodology of Wang et al. 2023 used in the DR2 SPS catalogs.

Note this also includes the improved and updated strong lensing model of Abell 2744 (v2.0)!

See the Data Release 4 page and the SPS modeling paper (Wang et al. 2023) for full details!

DR4: First UNCOVER spectra release & updated lensing model

Aug. 7, 2024

The first UNCOVER spectroscopic release is now available, as presented in Price et al. 2024!

This release includes spectra of 553 objects from z~0.3 to z~13 taken in July/Aug 2023 and a spectroscopic redshift catalog. (Initial observations of Mask 1 were impacted by a detector short.)

DR4 also includes an improved and updated strong lensing model of Abell 2744 (v2.0), and a catalog with new object magnification values!

See the Data Release 4 page and the spectroscopic release paper (Price et al. 2024) for full details!

DR3: MegaScience photometric catalog & mosaic release

Apr. 22, 2024

New DR3 photometric catalog and mosaics from the MegaScience survey are now available, as presented in Suess et al. 2024!

These are based on all JWST+HST imaging over the extended Abell 2744 cluster footprint, including MegaScience and UNCOVER as well as a number of other programs.

See the Data Release 3 page and the catalog paper (Suess et al. 2024) for full details!

UNCOVER co-PI Rachel Bezanson Named as Fred Kavli Plenary Lecturer

Mar. 29, 2024

Credit: AAS Website; Image: R. Bezanson

UNCOVER co-PI Rachel Bezanson has been named as the AAS’ Fred Kavli Plenary Lecturer for the 244th AAS Meeting! Rachel and the entire UNCOVER team were selected for this honor “[f]or the remarkable diversity of ground-breaking science that has resulted from their deep imaging and spectroscopic survey of Pandora’s Cluster with JWST.”

Congratulations to Rachel, and we’re looking forward to your lecture this June!

Check out the AAS press release here: https://aas.org/press/aas-names-rachel-bezanson-fred-kavli-plenary-lecturer-244th-meeting

DUALZ Survey: ALMA Catalogs and Maps in Abell 2744

Sep. 14, 2023

The initial data release (v1.0) for the Deep UNCOVER-ALMA Legacy High-Z (DUALZ) Survey is now available!

This includes wide ALMA 1.2mm maps across the full UNCOVER NIRCam primary footprint, a deep map over the primary Abell 2744 cluster core, and ALMA-detected source catalog (including crossmatching to JWST-detected sources).

See the Data Release 2 page as well as the DUALZ paper (Fujimoto et al. 2023)!

UNCOVER at MIT First Light

Jun. 26, 2023

Credit: Louis from TikTok

The UNCOVER team made a strong presence at the MIT First Light Conference, showcasing their research through dedicated talks and poster presentations.

UNCOVER PI Ivo Labbé delivered a compelling talk, discussing his recent paper on red active galactic nuclei discovered in the UNCOVER field. Likewise, Kate Whitaker engaged the community by presenting a poster that featured the UNCOVER field, encouraging attendees to identify intriguing objects within it.

The conference also provided an opportunity for early career researchers within the UNCOVER team to showcase their work. John Weaver presented a poster on our catalog creation, Gourav Khullar shared his findings on the search for quiescent galaxies in the field, Sam Cutler focused on UNCOVER point spread functions, and Richard Pan presented his research on quiescent galaxy stellar mass functions. These contributions reflected their dedicated involvement with UNCOVER.

Additionally, various other UNCOVER members presented their research findings and projects from other collaborations in dedicated talks. Notable mentions include Dan Coe, Seiji Fujimoto, Karl Glazebrook, Anna de Graaff, Michael Maseda, Pascal Oesch, and Christina Williams.

UNCOVER Spectroscopy Community Input Wanted!

May. 1, 2023

The UNCOVER survey is putting out a public call for potentially interesting objects to observe for our ultradeep (2.7 - 19 hours) spectroscopic follow-up with the NIRSpec/PRISM (in late July 2023, targets finalized in June 2023).

Although we cannot guarantee that any target will be observed, we would like to provide the community with an opportunity to suggest exciting targets! Please feel free to fill out this google form with as much information as possible and we’ll reach out.

Initial photometric catalog release

Jan. 9, 2023

The initial DR1 photometric catalogs from the UNCOVER Abell 2744 NIRCam primary observations are now available!

See the Data Release 1 page.

UNCOVER Abell 2744 lens model release

Dec. 14, 2022

The UNCOVER strong lensing (SL) model constructed with the UNCOVER JWST data is now available!

See the Data Release 1 page.

NIRCam primary / NIRISS parallel mosaic release

Dec. 7, 2022

The reduced images from the UNCOVER pre-imaging observations (Nov 2,4,7, & 15, 2022) are now available!

See the Data Release 1 page.