The UNCOVER Survey:

Data Release 2

NOTICE: DR2 data products have been superceded by DR3.

NIRCam primary / NIRISS parallel mosaic release

July 13, 2023

Updated mosaics for the Abell 2744 NIRCam and UNCOVER NIRISS parallel imaging (Nov 2,4,7, & 15, 2022) are now available!

As with the previous mosaics, the short- (F090W, F115W, F150W, F200W) and long-wavelength bands (F277W, F356W, F410M, F444W) use pixel scales of 0.02" and 0.04", respectively. All filters have the same WCS, which is defined so that the short-wavelength pixels can be binned 2x2 to directly match the long-wavelength images. Note that the footprint has been expanded from the DR1 mosaics to fully include the DDT-2767 area — the full NIRCam footprint now covers 49 square arcmin.

Additionally, mosaics of all existing HST data are provided, produced with the same WCS and footprint and a 0.04" pixel scale.

These mosaics include data from the following programs:
  • JWST/NIRCAM: GO-2561 (UNCOVER), ERS-1324 (GLASS), DD-2767
  • HST/ACS: #11689 (PI: Dupke), #13386 (PI: Rodney), #13495 (PI: Lotz / HFF), #13389 (PI: Siana), #15117 (PI: Steinhardt / BUFFALO), #17231 (PI: Treu)
  • HST/WFC3: #13495 (PI: Lotz / HFF), #15117 (PI: Steinhardt / BUFFALO)

Please cite Bezanson et al. 2024 if using these mosaics in any publication.

The following scripts can be used for batch downloads:

Linux/Unix:All files, NIRCAM/Primary, NIRISS/Parallel, and the ancillary HST/ACS, HST/WFC3 mosaics
MacOS:All files, NIRCAM/Primary, NIRISS/Parallel, and the ancillary HST/ACS, HST/WFC3 mosaics

NIRCAM PrimaryFiles
F090WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F115WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F150WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F200WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F277WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F356WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F410MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F444WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
NIRISS ParallelFiles
F115WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F150WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F200WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F356WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F444WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
Ancillary HST: ACS/UV, OpticalFiles
F225WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F275WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F336WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F435WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F475WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F606WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F775WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F814WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
Ancillary HST: WFC3/IRFiles
F105WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F125WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F140WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F160WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs

Lens model updated release: v1.1

July 25, 2023

Authors: Lukas J. Furtak and Adi Zitrin

The UNCOVER strong lensing (SL) model is a parametric SL model constructed with the UNCOVER JWST data using a new (grid-free) analytic method by A. Zitrin.

In this model release (v1.1), we supply WCS-registered FITS maps of the deflection field (in pixels), convergence, shear, and the lensing potential normalized to Dds/Ds=1. We also supply magnification maps for various source redshifts: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15 and 20. The lensing maps have a FoV of 7.6' x 7.6', which covers the entire central UNCOVER field. We provide maps for the best-fit model in two resolutions, a high-resolution version in 0.04"/pix (JWST NIRCam resolution) and a low-resolution version with 0.1"/pix. Compared to the v1.0 models, we added an additional spectroscopic redshift in the north-western sub-structure as well as six new multiple images. The additional constraints improve the model RMS down to 0.5.

Please cite Furtak et al. 2023 when using any of the lensing maps provided here.

For any questions, please contact us at: furtak [at]

UNCOVER lensing mapsFiles
All versionsTop directory    
v1.1All files    

Updated photometric catalog release

September 29, 2023

The DR2 Photometric Catalog contains significant improvements over DR1 including a "SUPER" catalog with photometry determined from optimally-selected color apertures, improved identification of stars and artifacts, and the complete 49 sq arcmin coverage of all available JWST imaging over Abell 2744.

All catalogs are based on F444W PSF-matched imaging, where the bright cluster galaxies and ICL have been modeled and subtracted. Detection was performed on a noise-equalized long-wavelength image (F277W+F356W+F444W). In addition to photometry, the catalogs contain basic photometric redshifts and rest-frame fluxes derived using EAZY, ALMA fluxes from DUALZ (Fujimoto et al. 2023) where available, and lensing magnifications for each object based on the updated v1.1 lensing maps of Furtak et al. 2022.

For full details, please see the README and the catalog paper.

Please cite Weaver et al. 2024 when using any of the following data products.

Flux apertureIntended useFiles
SUPERRecommended catalog with optimally determined aperture sizes per objectCatalog     README    Regions
0.32", 0.48", 0.70", 1.00", and 1.40"Single aperture catalogs for specific science applications (e.g., small radius for compact, faint, high-z, or crowded sources; ...)Catalogs     README
Ancillary productsDescriptionFiles
LW detectionNoise-equalized F277W+F356W+F444W detection imageImage     Segmap     Regions
Bright cluster galaxy (bCG) modelingbCG-subtracted mosaics (non-PSF-matched) and bCG modelsImages     README     Models
PSFsEmpirical PSFs for all filtersFITS files
KernelsConvolution kernels for PSF matching all filters to F444WFITS files
Filter translationEAZY zphot filter translationzphot.translate

Stellar population catalogs release

December 8, 2023

UPDATE: The catalogs released on October 2, 2023 have SFR/sSFR incorrectly labeled as averaged over 100 Myr, but those are in fact averaged over ~10 Myr. This problem has been corrected in this version (DR2.1; v3 on zenodo). Please refer to the README for further details. All links now point to the updated DR2.1 files.

October 2, 2023

The UNCOVER DR2 stellar population sythesis (SPS) catalog is based on the "SUPER" DR2 photometric catalog, with optimally determined aperture sizes per object. The SPS modeling is performed with the Prospector inference framework (Johnson et al. 2021). The modeling assumes a non-parametric, logarithmically-spaced SFH, as well as a mass function prior, a Gaussian mass-metallicity prior, and a dynamic SFH(M, z) prior from Prospector-β to optimize the photometric inference over the wide parameter space covered by deep JWST surveys (Wang et al. 2023). A second catalog with fixed redshifts to literature spec-zs (not including any UNCOVER MSA spec-zs) is also available.

For full details, please see the README and the catalog paper.

Please cite Wang et al. 2024 when using any of the following data products.

SPS catalogStellar population catalog based on the DR2 SUPER photometric catalog with optimally determined aperture sizes per object, with the redshift inferred simultaneously from the photometric fitFITS     README
Quicklook notebookJupyter notebook for plotting the maximum-likelihood SEDs, SFH percentiles, and posteriorsNotebook
ChainsFull posteriors for the default SPS catalognpz     README
SEDsBest-fit models for the default SPS catalog, for visualization purposesnpz     README
SFHsSFH percentiles for the default SPS catalog (in lookback time, Gyr)npz     README
SPS catalog, zspecSPS modeling using DR2 SUPER photometry, fixing the redshift to spec-zs from the literature (not including any UNCOVER MSA spec-zs)FITS     README
Chains, zspecFull posteriors for the SPS catalog with fixed zspecnpz     README
SEDs, zspecBest-fit models for the SPS catalog with fixed zspec, for visualization purposesnpz     README
SFHs, zspecSFH percentiles for the SPS catalog with fixed zspec (in lookback time, Gyr)npz     README

DUALZ: ALMA x JWST Public Legacy Field Abell 2744

September 14, 2023

Author: Seiji Fujimoto

The ALMA maps, cubes, and source catalog (v1.0) from the Deep UNCOVER-ALMA Legacy High-Z (DUALZ) Survey are now available!

DUALZ features a contiguous ~4'x6' ALMA 30-GHz-wide mosaic in Band 6, covering all high magnification areas (μ>2) down to a sensitivity of sigma = 32.7 μJy/beam, referred to as the "Wide" map. To leverage the ancillary data sets from the previous ALMA programs in A2744, we also created deep ALMA maps & cubes around the primary cluster (~2'x2') by combining our data with that of ALMA-HFF (Muñoz Arancibia et al. 2023) and ALCS (Fujimoto et al. 2023b), referred to as "Deep" map. The sensitivity decreases down to sigma = 27.7 μJy/beam in the Deep map. The default products are produced with the natural weighting, resulting the beam size of 1.02" x 0.77" (Wide) and 1.00" x 0.75" (Deep). To avoid missing any strongly lensed (~distorted) objects, we also produced a lower-resolution map and cube by applying a uv-taper parameter of 1.5" x 1.5".

The properties of our ALMA maps and cubes are summarized in Table 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 of Fujimoto et al. 2023.

Please cite Fujimoto et al. 2023 when using any of the DUALZ products provided here.

Catalog1.2mm detection catalog with fluxes and crossmatch to JWST sourcesFITS     README
Wide mapsWide 1.2mm DUALZ continuum maps (~24 sq arcmin)Folder     zip     README
Deep mapsDeep 1.2mm DUALZ+ALCS+ALMA-HFF continuum maps (~4 sq arcmin)Folder     zip     README